Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Eventing Draft - Super Teacher

Brego took a break from our regular flatwork routine to show a special buddy of mine a good time on Sunday, August 5th. My friend is a 10-year-old girl named Hannah who happens to be the proud owner of another Percheron I used to have. She's really advancing well with her horse, so for fun, I wanted to see how she did with Brego.

Brego is not a kid's horse! Heh, even most adults I know don't want to ride him. He's a fun, easy-going guy, but when he is done working, he's done and he is strong enough to pitch a major fit. Hannah handled him well, however, which just goes to prove that kids make the best riders (I supposed because they are made of rubber). She did a nice walk/trot session and ended up trotting some poles in two point. Way to go, Hannah!

The day would not be complete without a pleasant stroll back to the pasture, toting a very cool little girl. Hannah got full marks for bravery, and Brego go full marks for being very patient and not being an adolescent punk. Maybe some day, he'll make that Novice level packer I dream of.

Don't worry, he returned to true form on Tuesday by really testing me when I asked for him to balance in a 30 m canter circle. Oh the horrors! Ah, if only I had the power over him that little Hannah does...