Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Fox Hunter's Burden

Brego got the day off today, but I did not. An aspiring foxhunter's work is never done. I have yet to decide on one of the most important details of my appointments.

What shall I drink from my flask?

The Contenders

I went to the liquor store and loaded up on all the little hotel-sized bottles I could find in "appropriate" genres. I could immediately rule out Tequila. Bad things happen when I drink Tequila. And vodka was also out. Too many martinis. Just. too. many.

Representing some of the finest liquor available (*cough* in my price range *cough*) were Jameson Irish Whiskey, Maker's Mark, Sheffield Sherry, Malibu Rum, Hennessy Cognac, Courvoisier Cognac, Baileys, Grand Marnier and VSOP Champagne Cognac. The requirements were that it had to be "warming", had to sit well on an exercising stomach, and palatable enough so I wouldn't embarrass myself by blanching while sipping at the stirrup cup.

It's tough, practicing for this glorious sport. It requires a lot of dedication and attention to detail. Such is the burden I assumed when I decided I wanted to be a hunter worthy of the tradition.